Purpose of this research

Turquoise Thinking Ltd, an independent market research company, has been commissioned to carry out the National Historic Vehicle Survey.

Any data collected will be used solely for the purposes of this research and will remain completely confidential. This is in accordance with the Market Research Society’s (MRS) code of conduct. For further information on how Turquoise Thinking handles the data it holds, and your rights as a data subject, please visit the privacy policy page on our website – Please click here

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Thank you for taking part in this survey.

This is a confidential survey that is being conducted on behalf of the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs.

The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs exists to uphold the freedom to use historic vehicles on the road. It does this by representing the interests of owners of such vehicles to politicians, government officials, and legislators both in the UK and Worldwide through the Federation Internationale des Vehicules Anciens (FIVA).

The FBHVC has to engage politicians and persuade regulators to adjust policies and draft new rules accordingly. Nothing captures their attention more than big, or valuable, numbers. To be effective, FBHVC needs up-to-date facts and figures about the historic vehicle movement and its value to the national economy.

The survey aims to collect data from different stakeholders to show the value of the sector to the British economy which was £7.2 Billion in 2020.

The answers you give will be used to benefit the historic vehicle movement as a whole and will shape the future focus of the FBHVC acting for over 500 member organisations.

The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. When we use to the term ‘historic vehicle’ we are referring to vehicles that were manufactured pre-1993. Where we are referring to annual figures this should be for the year ending 31st December 2024 if possible.

Please note, if you are unable to complete the survey in one sitting you can save your responses so far and come back to complete later. To do this you will need to make a note of / save / bookmark the url that you are assigned once you have started the survey (you will be assigned a unique link after you click next below). It will look something like this -


This will be your unique link to reenter the survey and pick up where you left off

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