We are seeking your feedback on our quarterly Sector Performance Report. Your suggestions and feedback will help us improve future reports.

How to complete the survey
Please note completing this survey is voluntary and mandatory questions are marked with an asterisk *.

You may also choose to remain anonymous.

The feedback you provide will be treated as strictly confidential. The information you provide will not be disclosed for a purpose beyond this survey unless you consent to the use or disclosure of your feedback.

The survey should take about 5 minutes to complete.

Privacy statement
Your personal information is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles.

Any personal information you provide is being collected for the purposes described above. We will keep your survey responses in confidential and secure storage and only share aggregate survey statistics with anyone external to the Commission. Read the Notice of Collection on our website for more information.

Read the Privacy statement on our website for more information about the way the Commission will manage your personal information.

* What best describes your role? Tick all that apply.
What type of aged care services do you provide? Tick all that apply.
How often do you read the quarterly Sector Performance Report?
Do you use the Sector Performance Report to check the performance of the aged care sector?
Do you use the Sector Performance Report to improve your services?
Which sections in the Sector Performance Report are you most interested in? Tick all that apply.
Our quarterly Sector Performance Reports include trends over time, market segments, as well as rates for compliance, incident reporting, complaints, and quality indicators. Please rate how useful you find this format.

* Can we contact you about your feedback?

You have reached the end of the survey.
Thank you for your time in completing the survey.

Please click 'Submit' below to finish.