Welcome to the Strengthened Quality Standards draft guidance feedback survey

The draft guidance is designed to help providers, aged care workers and other stakeholders understand the new strengthened Quality Standards and their roles and responsibilities in meeting them. 

Documents for review include:

- Guidance documents for each strengthened Quality Standard:
-- Introduction
-- Standard 1
-- Standard 2
-- Standard 3
-- Standard 4
-- Standard 5
-- Standard 6
-- Standard 7
- the draft audit methodology
- an evidence mapping framework
- a pre-audit preparation tool
- a request for information template (Category 4 & 5)
- a request for information template (Category 6)
- a glossary of terms
- guidance for aged care workers

Your responses will help us to produce resources that are fit-for-purpose, easy-to-understand and support the delivery of quality, person-centred aged care. 

How to complete the survey
Please note completing this survey is voluntary and mandatory questions are marked with an asterisk *. You may also choose to remain anonymous.

The feedback you provide will be treated as strictly confidential. The information you provide will not be disclosed for a purpose beyond this survey unless you consent to the use or disclosure of your feedback.

You will have the option to provide feedback on as many or as few sections of the draft guidance documents as you wish. You will be shown questions based on the sections you select. The survey should take about 5-20 minutes to complete, depending on how many sections you elect to provide feedback on.

This survey will stop accepting responses at midday (AEST) on Sunday, 19 May 2024.

Privacy statement
Your personal information is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles.

Any personal information you provide is being collected for the purposes described above. We will keep your survey responses in confidential and secure storage and only share aggregate survey statistics with anyone external to the Commission. Read the Notice of Collection on our website for more information.

Read the Privacy statement on our website for more information about the way the Commission will manage your personal information.

Please rate your level of agreement/disagreement with the statement:
The draft guidance supports me to understand what is required to provide high quality and person-centred care to older people that meets the strengthened Quality Standards.
Please select to what extent you agree with the following statements related to the draft guidance:
Strongly Agree
Strongly disagree
This question does not apply to me
The structure of the draft guidance (i.e. separating the Outcomes for 'Governing body', 'Provider' and 'Worker' under their headings) makes it easy to understand
The structure of the draft guidance provides me with the information I need
The draft guidance has the right level of detail to help me to deliver high quality care
* Please select the content you wish to respond to:
Tick all that apply. You must tick at least one section to give feedback on.

Strengthened Quality Standard 1 draft guidance

Have you read and understood the draft guidance material for the strengthened Quality Standard 1: The Person?
Please select to what extent you agree with the following statements related to strengthened Quality Standard 1: The Person.
Strongly agree
Neither agree not disagree
Strongly disagree
This question does not apply to me
The draft guidance is fit-for-purpose for the different service types I deliver
The draft guidance is easy to understand and interpret
The level of detail in the guidance is right for each Outcome or Action

Strengthened Quality Standard 2 draft guidance

Have you read and understood the draft guidance material for the strengthened Quality Standard 2: The Organisation?
Please select to what extent you agree with the following statements related to strengthened Quality Standard 2:The Organisation.
Strongly agree
Neither agree not disagree
Strongly disagree
This question does not apply to me
The draft guidance is fit-for-purpose for the different service types I deliver
The draft guidance is easy to understand and interpret
The level of detail in the guidance is right for each Outcome or Action

Strengthened Quality Standard 3 draft guidance

Have you read and understood the draft guidance material for the strengthened Quality Standard 3: The Care and Services?
Please select to what extent you agree with the following statements related to strengthened Quality Standard 3: The Care and Services.
Strongly agree
Neither agree not disagree
Strongly disagree
This question does not apply to me
The draft guidance is fit-for-purpose for the different service types I deliver
The draft guidance is easy to understand and interpret
The level of detail in the guidance is right for each Outcome or Action

Strengthened Quality Standard 4 draft guidance

Have you read and understood the draft guidance material for the strengthened Quality Standard 4: The environment? 
Please select to what extent you agree with the following statements related to strengthened Quality Standard 4: The Environment.
Strongly agree
Neither agree not disagree
Strongly disagree
This question does not apply to me
The draft guidance is fit-for-purpose for the different service types I deliver
The draft guidance is easy to understand and interpret
The level of detail in the guidance is right for each Outcome or Action

Strengthened Quality Standard 5 draft guidance

Have you read and understood the draft guidance material for the strengthened Quality Standard 5: Clinical Care?
Please select to what extent you agree with the following statements related to strengthened Quality Standard 5: Clinical Care.
Strongly agree
Neither agree not disagree
Strongly disagree
This question does not apply to me
The draft guidance is fit-for-purpose for the different service types I deliver
The draft guidance is easy to understand and interpret
The level of detail in the guidance is right for each Outcome or Action
You will notice when looking at the guidance that there is a difference to strengthened Quality Standard 5 that has been prepared by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. The guidance for this Standard has a slightly different approach to the other draft guidance documents. We are interested in your feedback on these differences.

Draft guidance for strengthened Quality Standard 5 separates out Residential and Home Care on the side of the guidance. The other strengthened Quality Standards have the separation of Home and Residential Care (where applicable) within the text. Which approach do you feel is clearer?
Draft guidance for strengthened Quality Standard 5 provides an overall governing body in section 5.1.1.

The other strengthened Quality Standards have a separate governing body section for most of the outcome areas.

Which approach do you feel is clearer?

Strengthened Quality Standard 6 draft guidance

Have you read and understood the guidance material for the strengthened Quality Standard 6: Food and Nutrition? 
Please select to what extent you agree with the following statements related to strengthened Quality Standard 6: Food and Nutrition.
Strongly agree
Neither agree not disagree
Strongly disagree
This question does not apply to me
The draft guidance is fit-for-purpose for the different service types I deliver
The draft guidance is easy to understand and interpret
The level of detail in the guidance is right for each Outcome or Action

Strengthened Quality Standard 7 draft guidance

Have you read and understood the draft guidance material for the strengthened Quality Standard 7: The Residential Community?
Please select to what extent you agree with the following statements related to strengthened Quality Standard 7: The Residential Community.
Strongly agree
Neither agree not disagree
Strongly disagree
This question does not apply to me
The draft guidance is fit-for-purpose for the different service types I deliver
The draft guidance is easy to understand and interpret
The level of detail in the guidance is right for each Outcome or Action

Evidence Mapping

Is there anything else that could be included in the evidence mapping for you to demonstrate conformance with the Standards?
Are there other ways you can demonstrate conformance to us?

Audit Methodology

Is there anything else that could be included in the audit methodology to support you in demonstrating conformance with the strengthened Quality Standard?
Are there any aspects of the audit process that are missing or not clear?

Request for Information (RFI)

Is there anything else that could be included in the Request for Information (RFI) Category 4 & 5?
In the Request for Information (RFI) Category 4 & 5, are each of the requirements clear?
Is there anything else that could be included in the Request for Information (RFI) Category 6?
In the Request for Information (RFI) Category 6, are each of the requirements clear?

Pre-audit Preparation Tool (PAPT)

Is there anything else that could be included in the Pre-audit Preparation Tool (PAPT)?
Will completing the Pre-audit Preparation Tool help you to plan and action opportunities for continuous improvement?

The Glossary

To what extent do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
The glossary helps me to understand terms in the draft guidance I am unsure about
The glossary is easy to understand and interpret
Are there any terms missing in the glossary?
Are there any terms in the glossary where the meaning is unclear?

Worker Guidance

To what extent do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree
This question does not apply to me
The draft worker guidance has improved my understanding of how to deliver aged care services
The draft worker guidance clearly explains what the strengthened Quality Standards mean for me in my role
The draft worker guidance will support my organisation to maintain systems to meet the strengthened Quality Standards
Is there anything else that could be included in the worker guidance?

About You

* Which of the following best describes you? I am:
Tick all that apply.
If you are a provider and/or aged care worker of aged care services, which of the following best describes your organisation?
Tick all that apply.
Which of the following best describes you? My usual place of residence is:
Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?
Tick all that apply.
Do you speak a language other than English at home?
What is your main language spoken at home?
How did you learn about this consultation process?
Tick all that apply.
How would you like to receive information in the future about the strengthened Quality Standards?
Tick all that apply.
You have reached the end of the survey.
Thank you for your time in completing the survey.
Please click 'Submit' below to finish.