The WAPSF Bootcamp Program is a new initiative comprising bootcamp fitness classes and an online training and nutrition education package that has been running since late February. It is currently in its trial period and we need your feedback to understand how best to support your health and fitness going forward!

Please use this form to let us know what you think and what you would like more of!
Full Name
Location (City Suburb / Town)
Contact Number
Email Address
Have you heard of the WAPSF Bootcamp Program trial that has been running recently?
How have you heard about the WAPSF Bootcamp Program? (you can choose more than one answer)
Have you attended any of the bootcamp classes / participated in the online program?
If no, why haven’t you attended any of the classes? (you can choose more than one answer)
Would you like to participate in bootcamp fitness beyond the initial 12-week trial?
What else might you be interested in? (you can choose more than one answer)
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