How many years have you been practicing dentistry?
Please select which best describes you
Please select type of dentist

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Ranked Choices
How many of the UPCDA monthly meetings do you usually attend in a given year?
How would you rate the quality of speakers at the monthly meetings?
Do you find Wednesday to be the best day for you to attend the UPCDA monthly meeting?
Do you prefer one single location for all UPCDA meetings?

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Ranked Choices
Would you be interested in new venue locations?
Do you favor a sit down dinner or a buffet dinner for the UPCDA meetings?
Do you visit the vendor booths at the UPCDA meetings?
Would you like UPCDA to invite your Office Team to participate/attend the Holiday Party?
Have you visited the UPCDA Facebook page?
Has a patient ever mentioned the UPCDA Facebook page to you?
How important is UPCDA Group Marketing to you?
Are you in favor of a portion of the UPCDA budget being applied to group marketing for its members?
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