Welcome to the Mobile Survey Demonstration!

OK, so you're not running this survey on a mobile phone or a tablet at the moment, are you?

That's fine - this demonstrates exactly how surveys created in Web Survey Creator work. Three distinct types of device are supported automatically when a survey is rendered - PCs, Tablets and Mobile Phones.

Web Surveys on a PC
This is the default type of survey with all the bells and whistles, working on a PC browser.

Mobile Phone Surveys
A "Mobile Phone Survey" in Web Survey Creator is simply a standard survey shown on a Mobile Phone. The survey realises it is running on a phone, and will change the survey theme and render all questions in a format that works well on a phone - including full support for a phone's touch interface.

Tablet Surveys
A "Tablet Survey" in Web Survey Creator is again simply a standard survey shown on a Tablet. The survey realises it is running on a tablet, and will change the survey theme and render all questions in a format that works well on a tablet - including full support for a tablet's touch interface.

So why are you seeing this page specifically telling you that you are on a PC?

Because flow control even recognises what type of device you are on. This page will be hidden for anything other than a PC...

Have fun checking out how well a Web Survey Creator survey works on different devices!


Julian Cole

Powered By WebSurveyCreator