I am looking for participants for my study into Night Eating Syndrome amongst University students, Your participation would be greatly appreciated.

Information Sheet-

Assessing the correlates of night eating syndrome in University students
Belinda Hughes- belindah1991@hotmail.com

This study seeks to investigate the correlates and prevalence of Night eating habits in University students. The purpose of this study is to assess potential associations between perceived stress, control over time, various coping strategies and Night Eating Syndrome. Research suggests that night eating syndrome is most commonly found in obese participants, however more recent research is beginning to show that there is a prevalence in normal weight individuals as well and that the causes of the eating disorder can be a phase delay in circadian rhythms, it has been suggested that one trigger of this may be stress. The study requires you to fill in questionnaires as accurately as possible, they assesses a person's perceived stress, perceived control over time, coping strategies and night eating habits. Your participation is entirely voluntary and you are free to withdraw at any point until your responses have been submitted.

Data Protection
All results will be anonymised – at no point are you asked for any personal details except your age, year of study and gender. Individual raw data from the questionnaires will not be able to be matched back to you as an individual. All data will be kept in a secure online database and averages will be calculated rather than comparing individual scores. Data will be kept until after the examination of the dissertation is complete and then disposed of confidentially. Only myself and my supervisor will have access to the online raw questionnaires. I am unable to release individual scores of the study, however if you wish to receive further information on Night Eating Syndrome, the general results of this study or if you have any other queries regarding this research please feel free to contact me at: belindah1991@hotmail.com

If you wish to withdraw your data at any point please contact me with your unique 4 digit code, your data can then anonymously be located and removed from the study

Time it will take
If you are willing to participate the study will only take up 15-20 minutes of your time.

If you have any concerns or further questions regarding eating disorders or any other issues raised in this study then some useful sources of information, help and support have been listed below:

Recorded statistics suggest that in the UK At least 1.1 million people are affected by an eating disorder, with young people in the age-group 14-25 being most at risk of developing this type of illness. It is a common issue that there is much support for. If you have any concerns then there are many contacts who can help.

Thank you in advance.
Consent Form:
I have read the information sheet and confirm that:
I am over 18 years of age.
I am a University student.
I have agreed to participate voluntarily.
I understand what the study entails.
I understand my results will be kept confidential and will be destroyed when they are no longer needed.
About You
What is your current year of study?
Are you a full or part time student?
Please make a note of the unique code you have just given. This will be a unique participant code which you can use to withdraw at any point after you have completed and submitted your data.
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